Helping Hand.
I sat in my car, window down, absentmindedly flipping my credit card in and out of the open window frame as I awaited the familiar click of the gas pump shutting off. Signs posted on the station islands said, “Pump First. Pay After” (Yes, this was a long time ago. It’s an olden days story).
Then I dropped it. The credit card. Down the slot. I looked in there: quite dark. I opened the door and scanned the asphalt on the off chance that some sort of miraculous trap door had been installed in that Mazda 323: no dice. I had checks but no cash. ATM’s weren’t a thing yet. Venmo wasn’t a twinkle in anyone’s eye.
Suddenly a guy showed up. Not an employee. Just a guy. He said he’d noticed me and wondered if I needed help. I told him the story, knowing he already knew it. He didn’t smirk. He didn’t snicker. He was simply kind.
With the speed of an entire Indy 500 pit crew, he removed my door panel, retrieved my credit card, put it all back together, good as new, like nothing ever happened.
I remember thanking him, telling him how amazing he was, what a difference he’d made in my day.
He turned around and asked, “Isn’t that why we’re all here? To help each other get through it?”
I’m certain he was right—that we are all here to help each other get through it. To keep doing the next right thing. It makes for a very good reason to get up in the morning –what an honor.
Know we’ll always be here to help. As long as you haven’t dropped your credit card into your door panel.
Here’s to helping each other get through it,
Laura Martin, President | Red Rover Promotions
We’re so excited to welcome a new member to the Red Rover team. When Erynn isn’t helping projects move along, you’ll find her managing the warehouse. Rover even got to work with her this week to answer the Rover’s Corner question!

Dear Rover,
I love the summer heat so much, but lately it seems to be following me into the office. I’m trying my best to keep up with the process of collecting and shipping the items we need for different events. Sometimes, I’ll even spend the weekend in our storage area trying to box up and label everything. It’s not how I envisioned spending my summer weekends – I’m sure you can understand.
How can I get in front of this problem and re-claim my summer?
Exhausted in El Paso
Dear Exhausted,
This is one of the best times of year, they don’t call these the ‘dog-days’ for nothing! We need to get you back to doing what you love, and I have the perfect solution. Did you know we can take care of those less-than-exciting packing tasks leading up to your event? We can order and store your items in our warehouse until you are ready for us to send them to the off. When that time comes, you log into your personalized portal and pick what you need! From there, we will pack up and ship your items to straight to the venue. We can even throw in return labels for anything you want sent back to the warehouse for later use! Out of sight, out of mind, and most importantly – out of your storage unit (and into the sun!) My new pal Erynn would love to help introduce you to our warehouse capabilities!
With love,
Your pal, Rover (woof!)
Looking for the perfect item to help the people in your life?
We’ve got you covered!
Functional products can make a world of difference in everyday life. Look below to find a few options that make our days feel like a walk in the dog park!
Recommended by our accounting whiz Liz, this desk organizer can help you keep all your stationary tools in one place while charging your devices.
This sound machine is a favorite for Laura. From adding white noise for sleep to enhancing concentration and privacy in the office, this machine helps you to control your environment.
Recommended by all my friends at Red Rover, this wine tool set is sure to be a useful gift for the people in your life.
Looking for more inspiration? Find some magic by clicking here!
Well, it’s been lovely catching up!
We hope you found a smile, a new idea, food for thought, and a few minutes away from whatever is pulling at your sleeve today.
Thanks for being here with us. It wouldn’t be the same without you.
Visit us any time by heading to redroverpromo.com or send an email right to us here!
Don’t forget your sunscreen and a frosty drink!
With love from Red Rover Promo

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